Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Back Pain and Herpes Simplex


What I am about to tell you will scare you into next year, especially if you have been diagnosed with herpes simplex? I want you to continue reading however before jumping to any conclusions. If you feel threatened at anytime, seek medical advice. Herpes simplex is not spelled out in doctors’ offices. This is a serious nerve condition, which not only causes back pain, but…

The condition can lead to Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or what is commonly referred to as AIDS. The viral infection is not necessary transmitted through sexual engagements. Rather, the viral infection can develop from T-cells. The disease is a defect within the T-cells that mediate the immunity system and permits the development of this mortal opportunistic viral infection. The disease is life threatening when the immunity system is low, since it is characterized by microorganisms of a junior disease.

The disease is not necessary serious, yet it can become the cause, or pathogenic and/or life threatening when a host has lowered the immunity level. 

HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) can cause herpes simplex to develop. If during testing doctors discover HIV viral infections, which co-exists with one or more pointer viruses, such as herpes simplex, mycobacterium, cytomegalovirus, and/or candidal viral infections, thus the condition is labeled deadly. 

Herpes simplex causes lower back pain, since the disease erupts when the emotions and physical capabilities are put to the test. The musculoskeletal at this point is intensified and/or exacerbated. During testing experts search for dementia, wasting patterns, Kaposi sarcoma, and pneumoncystis. Dementia is an intellectual and cognitive deteriorating condition that progresses as it carries onto the brain where movement is controlled and senses are restrained. Memory loss occurs when dementia is present. 

Blood transfusions, using contaminated needles, infected uterus blood, etc can cause HIV, or herpes simplex to emerge. Semen contact, secretions from the vagina, intercourse, and handling secretions from the vagina and semen can cause HIV. 

Anytime a person is exposed to infected body fluids or blood it puts them at risk of HIV. HIV affects the lymphocytes, which travels in semen and secretions from the vagina. Blood carries the viral infection as well. 

When HIV is, present it carries lymphocyte infections into secretions of the vagina and semen while transporting it to small breaks in the mucosa membrane and the skin. HIV travels and expands into retroviruses that infect selective cells, especially those that contain CD-4. Antigen carries CD-4, which rests at the surface. The lymphocytes are primarily T-4s. At this stage, HIV will reproduce within the T cells or lymphocytes and begin destroying the cells. The destruction of the T-cells damage muscles, joints, etc, which causes resistance abilities to drop.  


Symptoms may include fatigue, anorexia, weakness, weight loss, fevers, recurrent diarrhea, pallor, malnutrition, night sweats, lymphadenopathy, dementia, confusion, and disorientation. When herpes simplex has not developed into AIDS (Not that it will in all cases), the outbreaks often occur sporadically, and causes tingling and burning sensations in the vagina or penis region. A greenish-yellow discharge will follow. The symptoms will start, skip a few months, and develop again if the patient is overly distressed. Doctors usually treat herpes simplex by using medications, such as acyclovir. 

In extreme herpes simplex cases chronic pain occurs, which experts will inject a medicine into the body? (Transcutaneous) The action causes an electrifying nerve simulation (TENS), which relieves pain stemming from herpes simplex. 

The pain sometimes is excruciating. If herpes simplex develops into HIV the pain can worsen still, since the red and white blood cells are affected, as well as transaminase, enzymes, and alkaline phosphatase. The disease herpes simplex can sometimes limit mobility due to excessive pain. In this event, you will need to rest your body, and visit your doctor as soon as possible. 

Learn About Herpes Simplex - You May Get It

 It is important for all of us to learn bout Herpes Simples. Anyone who is sexually active can get it on the genital skin with disastrous consequences. Your partner may pass it on without knowing and you may develop the active severe disease after many years, wondering from whom did you get it. Please find out more. Before we proceed further, let me tell you that the herpes simplex virus never goes away forever. It gets activated and shows active herpes on your skin. After you treat yourself, the virus becomes dormant in your body itself. It can get activated again and you can also pass it on to your future partners though the virus is dormant.

Herpes Virus type2 is transmitted sexually. A brief sexual contact with anybody who is a carrier will infect you for life. You may see the outbreak on your genitals within few days or after many years. Sores will develop on your skin, fever will grip you, urination will be difficult and muscles will ache. The outbreak will get cleared after about two weeks of treatment. Till you get your next outbreak the virus will remain dormant in you and will actively show herpes again after it is activated.

Herpes Virus activation- herpes virus may get activated for many reasons. They may include sun bun or sun damage, an injury to the skin, general tiredness and stress, a fever such as flu etc. As soon as the virus gets activated you may begin feeling warm tingling sensations on the areas of the skin where you had the herpes earlier. Please contact your doctor immediately. You will be given a long course of anti viral medicine and some painkillers if required. You must not miss your dose of anti viral medicines, because if you are unfortunate in getting herpes outbreaks frequently, you may have to take these medicines many times in your life.

Herpes will settle in about two weeks. Please avoid any sexual contact for this period and talk to your doctor about that after you go into dormant state again.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The medical establishment is in an uproar...

After this female scientist released a protocol that you can do at home, to avoid, reduce, and possibly eliminate the effect of herpes.

There's a reason why our traditional medical system cannot do anything about the herpes virus and why this new technology is providing hope for all people with herpes.

There is a rumor that the remedy she is releasing could be banned and taken down at any moment. So visit this page while the protocol is still up.

Herpes Simplex - Are You Getting The Virus?


Herpes Simplex-What Is It?

Herpes simplex is a skin problem that is caused by a virus. The virus can be of two types- virus type1 and virus type2. With virus type1, you will get herpes mainly on your face. With virus type2, you will get herpes mainly on your genitals. Those who are sexually active may be unknowingly passing this disease to you and this is incurable. Find out more.

Herpes Simplex Types -

Let us talk more about virus type2. It causes sores, muscle aches, fevers and difficult urinations. The problem is this. Those who have herpes go in to dormant mode after getting treated. That means that their body will give no outward sign that they have herpes. If you get into relation with them, the virus will most probably will be passed on to you. Now you are a carrier of herpes for life. You will never get cured. You may have herpes outbreaks anytime on your genitals and that will be very painful. It will take about two weeks to get it cleared. After that the virus may cause active herpes anytime in future.

Protection From Herpes Simplex-

If your partner has dormant herpes simplex and does not tell you herself/himself, you will most probably get it. The best way out is to enquire with your partner if he/she has had any episodes of Herpes virus type2. Even if they had an outbreak in the childhood of herpes virus type1, please find out. That will also form active blisters on your face mainly lips and be with you for life.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Can you believe your eyes are a precise indicator of your next herpes outbreak?

As top scientists from various universities pointed in their latest study...

If you’re infected with HSV, 10 days before the painful and itchy sores appear...

Your eyes look exactly like this...

And the worst part is: anyone can figure it out!

Find out more from this short video:

Your eyes linked to herpes breakouts.

Herpes Simplex- Some Quick Facts


Herpes Simplex- What is it?

Herpes Simplex is an infection caused by the virus called Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus is of two types. HSV1 and HSV2. Herpes Simplex causes sores, and rashes on face and genitals. The virus type 1 causes sores on the mouth, which are called cold sores. The second virus type causes genital herpes.

Herpes Simplex- is it treatable?

Once you get herpes virus, it never leaves your body. The only thing you can do is to get it treated whenever it shows up as sores with blisters. After treatment the virus goes back into dormancy, but does not get eliminated from body. Whenever it gets triggered again, it will show up as a sore.

Herpes Simplex- what are the symptoms?

Herpes Simplex appears as sores with blisters. This disease recurs during the lifetime. Once you catch it, it never leaves your body, so you can have recurrences. Cold sores normally form around the mouth, while genital herpes shows up on the genitals.

Herpes Simplex- cause 

Herpes Simplex virus 1 is generally caught in the childhood while the genital infection from HSV2 is caused by sexual contact in the adulthood. Your partner may show no signs of having Herpes Simplex and may be unaware that they are the carriers. They will pass it on to you unknowingly. 

Herpes is a silent disease. It shows up after some days of your catching it and the symptoms may be so slight that you may ignore them. The second time it will show up, it may be much more flared up. Between the recurrences you will not show any symptoms of herpes but you will pass it on to your partners. Similarly you may get it from your partners. 

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The medical establishment is in an uproar...

After this female scientist released a protocol that you can do at home, to avoid, reduce, and possibly eliminate the effect of herpes.

There's a reason why our traditional medical system cannot do anything about the herpes virus and why this new technology is providing hope for all people with herpes.

There is a rumor that the remedy she is releasing could be banned and taken down at any moment. So visit this page while the protocol is still up.

What is the Cause of my Tinnitus Today


Tinnitus is a condition that affects 1 in 5 Americans. It is described as a persistent ringing, humming or buzzing and for some the condition has a profound effect on the way they live, sleep and work. There is no known cure for tinnitus, but there is some relief for those who do suffer from this condition.

Brief, spontaneous tinnitus can last just seconds to several minutes, is a sensation that many of us have felt sometime in our life. Temporary Tinnitus can last several minutes to several hours and its onset usually comes after an individual is exposed to a noisy environment during a prolonged period of time. Construction workers, rock musicians or those who attend rock concerts are susceptible to temporary Tinnitus. Even a simple fireworks show can find individuals with temporary tinnitus.

Those who suffer from Chronic tinnitus, the ringing and hissing is sound is quite frequent and Chronic tinnitus is defined as occurring for 3 months or longer; representing 5 to 10 percent of the current U.S. population, with less than 1 percent having severe tinnitus. Those that suffer from this condition all from all walks of life; occurring in men and woman and the young and old.

This condition is so prevalent that in the past year nearly 23 million adults experienced tinnitus for 3 months. For those 65 and older, more than 12 percent of men and 14 percent of women are affected by tinnitus and more than 200 drugs are known to cause tinnitus as a side effect when starting them or stopping them and approximately 16 million people seek medical attention for the tinnitus annually, affecting nearly 50 million people every year.

Tinnitus is most commonly found in men, seniors, blue-collar workers and with certain heart problems. It is not a disease but a symptom of something wrong with your auditory system, but chances are that the worse your hearing is the worse your tinnitus is; for the elderly this is usually the first sign in hearing loss.

There are many underlying causes of tinnitus such as age-related hearing loss despite any exposure to intense or loud sounds, ear infections or ear disease. After age and gender, surveys show that excessive noise exposure is a culprit, bringing on the onset of the condition.

Outside of work, the risk for tinnitus is seen on the shooting range, but one of the most important sources for tinnitus or muffled hearing is the constant use of an MP3 player, playing music loudly through an iPhone, or any other activity, that over a prolonged period of time can and will deteriorate your hearing.

There is no difference in the how or why you contracted the condition and, although, there is no cure for tinnitus there is some relief, whether its a mild, moderate, extreme or severe case there is a three step process that is available at that has helped many individuals overcome their condition and has improved their quality of life.

This three step process works and will help you sleep better, hear better and once again be able to concentrate at work once again. There is relief in sight and we at TinnitusRemedy will show you how it is done.

Deal  with your problem today and do not wait, Click here

Tinnitus: Stop the Ringing


Tinnitus is often described as ringing in the ears; often times the sounds heard,are not just confined to ringing. Many times, this condition causes sufferers to hear hissing, roaring, clicking or buzzing sounds. The sounds can vary in volume and pitch, from low to high and can be heard in one or both ears. This year, nearly 24 million Americans have suffered from Tinnitus, having lasted 5 minutes or more; On average 1 in 5 Americans are affected by Tinnitus. It is important to remember that Tinnitus is not a disease it is a symptom that there is something wrong in the auditory system. The auditory system includes our ear, auditory nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain that process sound.

Although, the onset of Tinnitus can come from ear wax there are many medical conditions such as noise-induced hearing loss, sinus infection brain tumors and thyroid abnormalities. For the elderly, tinnitus is the first sign of hearing loss.

The most common cause of tinnitus is noise-induced hearing loss. This condition is commonly found in those who worked in environments that are noisy; construction workers, rail yard workers, service members, road crew and musicians and for many, over time the condition can worsen for some, affecting their quality of life, leading some to take it upon themselves to take drastic, fatal decisions.

There are two basic types of tinnitus, subjective and objective. Subjective tinnitus is the most common and is caused by ear problems in your outer or inner ear or the auditory nerve and the auditory pathways. This tinnitus is only heard by you and it can be heard as a low pitch or a high squeal. Objective tinnitus your doctor is able to hear during an examination. This is a rare type of tinnitus and is typical of a blood vessel, an inner ear bone condition or contractions.

In severe cases, tinnitus can become worse, having an effect on the sufferer's quality of life, where the condition finds it difficult for them to sleep, think or hear. During the past few years there are reports of sufferer's killing themselves as a direct result of this condition.

A 74 year-old grandfather in the U.K., whose tinnitus was becoming progressively worse, shot himself dead to "stop the screaming in his ears." A rock music fan, unable to sleep for 3 months after developing tinnitus at a rock concert, stabbed himself to death. For many, treatment sees the ringing go away, while some treatment masks the ringing or hissing sounds, allowing these individuals to lead a normal life.

Today, 1 in 5 Americans suffer from tinnitus and there is a new sensation available that has helped individual overcome their tinnitus. Those who are suffering mild to severe tinnitus, a new treatment is available, a new sensation that has helped sufferer's overcome their tinnitus forever. 

Being able to sleep, concentrate at work and the overall quality of life improving with new treatments that are available can end the suffering and madness and not having to worry about tinnitus again.

Whether the condition is mild, moderate, severe or extreme, treatment options are available that will allow you to live a normal life, never having to deal with tinnitus again.  

Stop the Ringing now,do not delay or wait, click here


Friday, November 6, 2020

Stop Tinnitus Symptoms & Reclaim Silence!


Tinnitus may affect more than half of the American population. A curable ailment within the inner ear canal, tinnitus is noticed by continual ringing, hissing & swishing noises in ears that will not subside. When you suffer from tinnitus, you will feel like you're insane and no one else can hear the noises.

But you don't have to suffer – tinnitis symptoms are curable.

5 Small Steps To Silence Tinnitus Symptoms:

Tinnitus symptoms may be common amongst more than twenty five percent of the American population. A curable ailment originating from problems in the inner ear canal, tinnitus is inherent with endless buzzing, ringing or swishing noises that never subside. When the levels of ear ringing are high, it can constitute feelings of insanity and leave you feeling all alone. But you don't have to feel isolated – noises in ears can be treated and homeopathic treatments have helped many sufferers ease the pain.

tinnitis symptoms can come in a single episode, temporarily for a few days or weeks, or for good. The noises in ears can interfere with an individual's ability to concentrate and may also cause sleep disturbance with the noises in ears.

General tinnitis symptoms and Causes

* Immense ear wax. When excess wax builds up in the ear canal, it can weaken the ability to hear outside noises and may worsen noises in ears.

* Otis media is the medical term for a middle ear infection or inflammation of the middle ear. If left undiagnosed or untreated, Otis media can lead to infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear, a ruptured ear drum, and hearing loss. Sometimes, tinnitus symptoms begin again following a middle ear infection.

* Brain or head injury. General symptoms of a brain or head injury include loss of consciousness, confusion, drowsiness, personality change, seizures, nausea, headache and vomiting. Roughly 25% of individuals who sustain a brain or head trauma, experience tinnitis symptoms following the injury.

* Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that affects balance and hearing. The tinnitus experienced by Meniere's patients is continual and does not subside with time, although its levels may vary.

* Otosclerosis is an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear that causes noises in ears. About 75% of people with otosclerosis also experience tinnitis symptoms.

* Weak Circulation may be an indication of a serious heart disorder. Common symptoms of poor circulation include cold hands and feet, white fingers, dizziness when standing quickly, numbness, varicose veins, migraine headaches, tinnitus and noises in ears.

* High Blood Cholesterol: High blood cholesterol clogs arteries that supply oxygen to the nerves of the inner ear. Lowering blood cholesterol levels may reduce tinnitis symptoms.

A helpful tinnitus fact:

Ginkgo biloba has been known to help symptoms of tinnitus as well as depression and your memory.

5 Steps To Silence - Ease Common Tinnitus Symptoms

* Avoid all loud sounds and noisy places.

* Avoid total silence try and mask the tinnitus with white noise.

* Avoid exorbitant use of alcohol, caffeine, or aspirin.

* Wear ear protection when using chain saws, guns, lawn mowers, loud music or power tools. Exposure to loud noises can make tinnitus worse and can also cause additional hearing loss.

* Control stress levels and learn how to relax in stressful situations.

Most people with tinnitus also suffer from anxiety and lack of sleep. At night when all is quiet, the ringing in your ears may sound louder, making it harder to sleep. The lack of sleep, in turn makes you more tired during the day which increases your anxiety and stress. Poor sleep induces depression, negative thoughts and a resultant higher level of anxiety and tinnitus symptoms

For More  Info Click Here.

Tinnitus: It’s not a Disease, it’s a Symptom!


If you have Tinnitus then you are most probably familiar with some of the most common causes.

There is a whole list of them for you to choose from.

Only when you start to analyze the known facts and their probable consequences will the whole scope of Tinnitus start to unfold.

There can be a million reasons why you have Tinnitus. Let’s take a brief look at some of the most common symptoms for tinnitus. 

How many of these symptoms can you apply to yourself? Add more if you have to.

Lack of concentration,



Social retreat,

Depressive moods,

Lack of patience,


Panic attacks,



Stress and tension,

Lack of self confidence,




Other than the hearing loss which is physical, all other symptoms listed here are of a subconscious nature.

Let’s get 3 important things into perspective here. I will repeat these 3 sentences until they are tattooed into your soul.

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom!

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

As soon as you are ready to accept that the tinnitus is a part of you, the sooner you can expect to make progress.

The power of the mind is extraordinary. Think about this carefully. If tinnitus succeeded in turning your life upside down

then accept the fact that all it used to achieve misery was your own mind. That’s quite an achievement isn’t it ?

That’s how powerful your mind is. If it has the capability to make your life a complete misery then surely it can be re-programmed to do the opposite.


It’s entirely up to you. The solution lies within yourself and your ability to learn.

What do we know about the causes of tinnitus?. 

Where does it have its roots?

Ever heard of social sickness? Me either. It’s a phrase that I like though.

Here in Germany it’s called “Volkskrankheit “ ( has nothing to do with cars ).

I once tried to compile a list of all elements which I suspected may have contributed to MY own tinnitus. Obviously, I listed the negative aspects of my life over a 10 year period. 

Some of these things could have been avoided, most of them were linked to each other. Don’t forget, this is only a list of things that I think should be mentioned.

I’ve tried not to generalize and I’ve tried my best to stay honest, even if it means confessing to some bad sins.

To be perfectly honest it’s not as dramatic as it looks. It just looks outrageous when written down! 

Marital Stress,

Heavy smoking,

Drug and medication abuse, (i.e. Valium, Marijuana, Cocaine)

Relationship crisis,

unhealthy eating habits,

Loud noises,

Lack of exercise,

High cholesterol,

High blood sugar rate,

Personal loss,

Caffeine addiction ( coffee and cola )

Lack of sleep,

Financial Problems,


Business pressures,

Inclination to worry about everything.

So…….there we have it. 

It looks terrible I know. The worst thing is that I am one of millions who used to live like this. If you can’t identify with anything written on this list then you shouldn’t have tinnitus. Any one of these elements on their own would be harmful enough for any person.

Combine them and you’re left with a time bomb waiting to explode. 

So now we have two lists. The first one above describes the symptoms and the second one describes possible causes. If you look carefully at the causes it won’t take much imagination to conjure up a "symptom list" like the one above. What else do you expect?.

I dare you…………Take a pen and paper…write down your own "bad list". Be absolutely honest and write down all the things that you aren’t proud of or maybe would rather forget. Write down all the things you would like to change if you had a magic wand. ( My bad list is there for everyone to see. You can hide yours :o) 

By the way, you don’t have to have tinnitus to create a list like mine. I would be willing to bet that EVERYONE can come up with a list similar to mine. I say only similar because I know that not everyone is overweight, or smokes or tried drugs.

Think carefully about what you are reading on your list. If you are very honest, you will find that you don’t need a magic wand to shorten this list. The only person on this planet that can change this list to something to be proud of is YOU!

I consider myself to be lucky. Tinnitus gave me a chance to re-shuffle my life

Once more………Don’t forget….

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom.

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

After an "auditory crash " two years ago which left me with a temporary loss of all hearing I had no other choice than to take action. 

I’ve been looking for an English Term for the German word  Hِrsturz. In fact this term is made of 2 words. 

Hِr (to hear ) and Sturz ( to crash ). I find this a fitting term  

Anyway this "Auditory Crash" of hearing lasted almost 2 days at the most and thanks to my doctor, I was up and about a week later.

After reading many books and collecting all the information I could find, I decided to take action. I didn’t know it then, but the decision to cut out everything that was harming me probably saved my life.

Did you already write down your own list ?. If not….let’s imagine this is your list.

Where do you start?

There are some things you can change straight away and without hesitation. Other things will require great patience, lots of time and the will to change.

"Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place you start" ( Richard Rodgers 1902 – 1979 )

Once more………Don’t forget….

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is a symptom.

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. You will defeat tinnitus if you accept it as a part of you.

For More Info Click Here

How Stress and Anxiety are Connected to Tinnitus


Stress can cause many problems and exacerbate others, including Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. Many individuals suffer from this malady and can deal with it on a daily basis until stress levels rise and then the Tinnitus becomes significantly worse.

Of course, there are many different reasons why an individual may develop Tinnitus, but stress and anxiety can intensify the effects of the ringing in the ears. Because of this individuals with Tinnitus need to manage the stress in their lives to minimize the effects. 

In general, when an individual suffers from tinnitus the body feels as if it is being attacked at all times. So, the effects are never-ending and the body ultimately responds in a physical way with additional problems like insomnia, anxiety, and even depression. Once these responses occur they only serve to intensify the tinnitus, which is just a violent circle. Because of this it is incredibly important for sufferers to find a way to relax and keep their symptoms at bay (as much as possible) instead of stressing out and exacerbating them. Of course, this is much easier to say than to actually implement. But, nevertheless, it is very important to make an effort to achieve. Sufferers of tinnitus know this very well and try their best not to stress out because the ringing in their ears only gets worse.

It is unfortunate that tinnitus makes individuals stress out over their symptoms and then their stressing only causes their symptoms to worsen. Fortunately, for individuals with tinnitus there are ways to get stress under control before it gets out of hand and causes the individual worse ringing in their ears. One example of a way to reduce stress is to simply exercise. It has been proven that exercise really helps individuals relax, forget about what’s bothering them, and simply enjoy life. Those with tinnitus should exercise every single day in order to relax, forget about their ringing ears for just a bit, and hopefully relax enough to keep the symptoms from getting too bad.  Another good option for reducing stress is to take part in yoga and meditation and even have a massage on a regular basis. 

Nobody wants to have tinnitus and those who do certainly don’t want their symptoms to get any worse than they have to. Due to this individuals suffering from tinnitus should make all efforts to live a low key and relaxing life that has as little stress as possible. And, in addition to this tinnitus sufferers should do their best to exercise and take part in relaxation exercises to keep what stress they do have at bay. Many individuals suffer from tinnitus and of them approximately 90% experience exaggerated symptoms when subjected to stressful situations. 

Because of this individuals with tinnitus must do all they can in order to reduce stress in their lives so they may live an enjoyable life.

For More Info Click Here

Introduction to Tinnitus


Tinnitus, a phenomenon of the nervous system, is directly connected to the ear. This phenomenon is characterised by perception of an internal beating or ringing like sound. This sound can appear to be a quiet background noise, or loud enough to drown out all outside sounds. 

<b>Some Causes of tinnitus are:</b>

<ol><li>A sudden loud bang or noise

<li>Excessive Ear wax,

<li>Acoustic neuroma,

<li>Hypertension and atherosclerosis,

<li>Severe anemia and renal failure,

<li>Palatal myoclonus

<li>Thyroid disorders

<li>Glomus jugulare tumours

<li>Lyme Disease

<li>Loss of Hearing

<li>Drugs: aspirin overdose, loop diuretics, aminoglycosides, quinine,

<li>Injury to the head

<li>Temporomandibular and cervical spine disorders,

<li>Suppurative otitis media (also chronic infection and serous OM),


<li>Impacted wisdom teeth,

<li>Meniere's disease,

<li>Arteriovenous fistulae and arterial bruits

<li>Stress and depression</ol>

Some but not all types of tinnitus can be treated. This leaves the non-treatable types permanent. There are no cures directly for tinnitus, but because often times tinnitus is caused by a physical condition that can be treated, the <a href="" target="blank">tinnitus</a> may also dissapear as the physical condition dissapears. Permanent tinnitus can be very stressful psychologically to the affected individual as it distracts them affected from mental tasks and interferes with sleep. This is particularly when there is no external sound. 

Often times these individuals will use a device that will generate an artificial noise to mask the tinnitus sound.This process is called tinnitus retraining therapy. It is a widely known and practiced remedy to the noise. Although it doesn't actually make the noise disappear, it makes the noise alot less annoying and disturbing the person who is affected; this makes the noise easier to ignore allowing the individual to concentrate on mental tasks.

For More Info Click Here

Tinnitus – Causes and Treatment


Tinnitus is a symptom and not a condition in itself.  Tinnitus describes the symptom of being able to hear things which nobody else can, although in a rare number of cases, this isn’t true.  Tinnitus is a very common condition with approximately 10% of the population suffering from Tinnitus to one degree or another.  It is most commonly found in elderly people although it is becoming much more widespread in the younger population.  Also, Tinnitus can be found in one or both ears or sometimes it feels like it is coming from the middle of your head.

The Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is most commonly found in elderly people although possibly due to the different lifestyles it is becoming much more common in younger people now.  Maybe this is due to the fact that people are living in noisier environments today.

The sounds which are heard vary from patient to patient.  Some patients hear a musical tone, although most patients hear something which sounds more like a hissing or whistling or a buzzing or a ringing noise.  For a lot of patients, it is more of an inconvenience and doesn’t affect their daily lives although for a number of patients, it is so bad that they need some kind of treatment to relieve the symptoms

<b>The Causes of Tinnitus</b>

Tinnitus is caused by damage to the nerves in the inner ear (cochlea).  These nerves transmit electrical impulses to the brain which the brain then interprets as sounds.  When these nerves are damaged, the signal becomes distorted.  When this distorted signal gets to the brain, the brain interprets it as a noise which is Tinnitus.

In elderly people, it is seen as part of growing older and is called presbyacusis.  However, in younger people medical professionals believe it is due to be exposed to loud noises.

There are other causes of Tinnitus as well which include Anemia – where the thin blood rushes around the body so quickly that it can cause a sound.  Excessive wax in the ear can also cause tinnitus.  Menieres Disease which is a condition affecting balance can also have a side effect of Tinnitus.  Some drugs both legal and illegal can cause Tinnitus as the body reacts to them.

<b>The Treatment of Tinnitus</b>

 For most patients, there is no cure for Tinnitus.  Most treatments simply relieve the symptoms by masking the cause of Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is sometimes strongly related to the patients level of stress.  By managing this level of stress via the use of sedatives, tranquilizers or anti-depressants, the symptoms of tinnitus can be relieved.

Some drugs which affect the conduction of electrical impulses in the affected nerves have been found to relieve the symptoms of stress.

There are a number of self help measures which patients can employ either on their own or in tandem with any assistance that a doctor can prescribe.  These include listening to soothing music on a personal stereo before the patient goes to sleep.  There are white noise generators which can mask the noise inside your head.  This means that you can’t hear the noise generated by tinnitus.

For More Info Click Here

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Causes and Cures for Premature Ejaculation

 The notion “premature ejaculation” can be interpreted in many ways, because it’s relative. Taking place within minutes does not cause anything tie-up in a relationship as long as the partner herself had orgasm too, but an ejaculation can be premature even after a long lasting sex, if her orgasm occurs later.

A friend of mine said so rightly once: expectations concerning a men’s performance in bed, can be compared to a dinner of a couple, which becomes perfect if they finish their meat simultaneously, they digest it together and also they use toilet in the same time.

Putting the joke away, premature ejaculation is being indeed around. The unpleasant form of it is the ejaculation “ante portas” (ejaculation before the gate), when ejaculation occurs before penetration.

Premature ejaculation, when the ejaculation comes quickly (within seconds or minutes) can be categorized in two types: the originally existing and the subsequently formed one.

To understand the process we have to know that ejaculation can happen as a result of stimulation of the glans (penis head), either without erection or with semi-erection, if sexual excitement becomes too strong.

The subsequently formed premature ejaculation is frequently associated with evolving erectile dysfunction.

In this case the patient concentrates to maintain it’s erection, sexual excitement becomes stronger, the body becomes "over stimulated" and all these leads to premature ejaculation.

Possible causes:

- Psychic causes

- Innervation disorder (increased state of excitement)

- Inflammations (prostate, genitals)

How to cure premature ejaculation?

If we oppose inflammatory symptoms, the ejaculation will return to normal after proper medical treatment.

If the cause is the above-mentioned evolving impotence, we have to treat the erectile dysfunction, which nowadays is perfectly remediable.

More difficult is to cure the originally existing premature ejaculation because in this case the nervous system is need to be adjusted; fortunately more opportunities are arising this time too.

One of these is the reduction of the stimulus using condoms, anesthetic gels or sprays. The last two options are contraindicated, because using these kinds of products both male and female sex organs, after contact becomes insensitive as well, leading to an un-enjoyable bed exercise.

There are medicines used in minor depression for rising the patient’s moral, which has few side effects, and usually one of these is the delayed ejaculation.

Onto lengthening sexual intercourse and curing premature ejaculation Last Longer sex pills were proved well suitable.

For more Info Click Here

The Most Effective Way To Overcome Premature Ejaculation

 The Most Effective Way To Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Nowadays more and more men are suffering from premature ejaculation.  It is very probable that you are also one of the many who cannot last long enough to satisfy your partner. This sexual dysfunction is more common that you think, but most men are reluctant to accept that they suffer from premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation occurs when you frequently ejaculate faster than you would like, for instance, before intercourse starts or in just a moment after. This is a very common sexual problem but it is awkward for men to discuss it or to ask for help. Before, specialists thought that the main cause of premature ejaculation was only psychological, but nowadays they discovered that biological causes can also produce premature ejaculation.

Common Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Psychological causes may comprise former sexual experiences that engage circumstances in which men were rushed to ejaculate in order to avoid being discovered, guilty feelings, erectile dysfunction and anxiety.

The physical causes include abnormal levels of certain hormones or brain substances, unusual response of the ejaculatory system, thyroid conditions and prostate or urethra issues.

Besides these, there are other triggers that augment the risk of suffering premature ejaculation. These include: the panic of losing your erection that could make you hurry during sexual encounters; health worries that make you feel nervous when having sex and have more chances to hurry to ejaculate; and stress, which doesn’t let you relax and enjoy of your sex encounter. 

The Most Effective Way To Overcome Premature Ejaculation

Medical specialists suggest different treatment alternatives to patients with sexual health issues like premature ejaculation. Among the most recommended treatments we can find: sexual therapy which usually implicate masturbating an hour before the sexual encounter thus it may help to withhold erections during sex; psychotherapy, which involves discussing about your former relationships and experiences with a professional thus you can eliminate anxiety; synthetic drugs, like Viagra and Cialis, and natural medicines, especially those which are formulated with maca, like Maca Enhancer.

These treatments can work depending on your specific case. In other words, it is up on the cause of your premature ejaculation. However, specialists recommend to start with the alternatives which involves fewer risks, and go further if needed. 

Indeed, men who have overcome premature ejaculation declare that the most effective way to have a greater sexual life is by using natural supplements like Maca Enhancer.

Herbal Maca Enhancer is a natural supplement that encourages penile growth, improves libido and your sexual endurance, eliminates stress and naturally balances hormonal levels. However, the most appealing characteristic of Maca Enhancer sexual supplement is that it can aid you delaying your ejaculation thus you can enjoy of long-lasting sex encounters.

This wonderful herbal product can effectively prevent and relieve premature ejaculation because it lets you have control of your release time, besides it can as well help block adrenaline rushes produced by sexual performance anxiety which is one of the common causes of premature ejaculation. Besides, this natural supplement has no side effects, differently from synthetic drugs like the mentioned above.

Now you know the most effective way to overcome premature ejaculation: Maca Enhancer.and it is in the ingredients in that preparation

To know more Click Here

The 'Last Longer In Bed' Wipe With the VigRX® Name On it!


The VigRX name makes some affiliates extraordinarily wealthy. You may be among them when you promote VigRX® Delay Wipes - a male desensitizer wipe that helps guys:

  • Last longer in bed
  • Delay orgasm
  • Prolong sexual pleasure
  • Give multiple orgasms to women
  • Make sex AMAZING

It's pretty simple. They wipe on VigRX® Delay Wipes and rub it into their penile tissue. The product is formulated with all natural ingredients which make the penis less sensitive to stimuli.

Basically, it tells the nerves to relax and enjoy the ride. Guys last longer as a result - sometimes north of 20 minutes and they prolong their pleasure.

In fact, VigRX® Delay Wipes has two logical upsells. Get your clients to buy it with VigRX Plus® and they boost their sex drive and erection size.

Just as enjoyable - and profitable for YOU - is when guys buy VigRX® Delay Wipes with Semenax™. They last longer and have the biggest orgasm ever when they decide to climax.

Frankly, you may get the same pleasure when you see what this does to the size of your commissions with VigRX® Delay Wipes!

Product Format:

Wipe, each box contains 10 wipes.

Target Audience:

Men 21+ who ejaculate earlier than they wish or who simply want to make sex thrilling for both partners.

For More Info Click Here

Review of Profollica


Millions of men and women find themselves searching for a hair loss solution that actually works each and everyday. There is a wealth of information available online when it comes to hair loss, a vast array of available products, and seemingly even more reviews for every one of the so called solutions out there.

Doesn't everyone dealing with hair loss wish that the decision over which product they should use was a lot easier?

Well now it is, thanks to Profollica.

While you need to make sure that you critique everything that you read online, it is simply impossible to ignore all of the overwhelmingly positive Profollica reviews that you can find. There are an exponential amount of powerful testimonials, even more satisfied customers, and a plethora of medical proof that you can peruse before even considering trying out this hair loss solution.

In fact, a large number of Profollica users noted considerable hair re-growth within the first few months of use, and even more noticed that they were losing far less hair almost instantly after utilizing the entire system as directed.

Another reason why so many men and women prefer Profollica over any other hair loss product is due to the fact that it is a complete system. While other products are simply a lotion or a shampoo that stands alone, this option contains three different products that combine to provide powerful results. Every consumer is provided with a shampoo that reduces the amount of DHT in the scalp, a gel that tackles excess sebum, and a nutritional supplement that revitalizes your follicles on the whole.

No matter how many Profollica reviews you read, you will never truly understand how effective it is until you try it out for yourself. Thankfully every purchase is backed by a full 60 day money back guarantee which means that you can give it a full sampling without any strings attached at all. Other products often offer a 30 day money back guarantee which simply is not long enough to truly gage the effectiveness of the formula on your scalp.

If you are looking for a hair loss product that works instantaneously after applying it to your hair, then you are better off looking elsewhere. However, it is likely that you will be searching forever because any product that claims instant results when it comes to hair re-growth is simply promising on something it cannot deliver. While Profollica does not provide instant results, it does offer steady, consistent, and permanent results.

Which is just what anyone dealing with hair loss should be looking for in the first place.

When you look at the complete picture, it does not get much better than what Profollica has to offer. Each purchase comes with a money back guarantee, three proven and effective products, and a number of bonuses depending on which package you opt for.

It's time to stop wondering how you are going to get your hair back, and truly take action.

For more information, Click Here

End Embarrassing Hair Loss with Profollica

Hair loss is an embarrassing problem that affects a wide range of men, and women, all across the world. For many it seems that balding proves to be inevitable and something that they simply cannot prevent, stop, or alter. Thankfully that doesn't have to be the case, and there are certain ingredients and solutions that can help you restore your hair and take back the confidence you had in years past.

Profollica has become known as one of the most popular, reliable, and natural hair loss solutions that is available on the market today. That is due to the 3 part system that the Profollica anti-hair loss system utilizes in order to inspire hair recovery and strengthen the follicles responsible for hair growth. The full and proven system comes complete with a beneficial nutritional supplement, gel, and shampoo. Each product brings with it its own benefits and the combination allows for far more advantages than a single hair loss product provides.

You see, while other hair loss products on the market utilize chemicals and use one method to try and stimulate hair growth, the Profollica system is completely natural and stimulates hair growth in three different ways. The nutritional supplement treats your follicles from within, the gel works to block harmful DHY, and the shampoo revitalizes your hair. The compounds used within the Profollica formulation only take a few weeks to take effect, and most users notice substantial hair growth in as little as 6 months.

That means that you no longer have to hide behind a hat, cap, scarf, or even a toupee. You no longer have to be embarrassed about your hair, or the lack of it, as you now have a way to get your hair and your confidence back. Just because you have less hair than you used to, doesn't mean that you have to hang your head in shame any longer.

Just take a look at some of the powerful advantages that Profollica offers.

The hair loss solution is all natural, reliable, proven, and popular among men from all over the world. Unlike other markets on the product, Profollica comes with absolutely no side effects and you do not need to see a doctor or get any kind of prescription in order use it. What's better than that is the fact that you no longer have to consider incredibly expensive options, products laced with chemicals, or drastic surgery in order to gain your hair and your youth back.

The precise formulation that is used within this hair loss system was developed thanks to years of research, and clinicals involving trained medical professionals. Each ingredient plays a vital role in terms of increasing blood circulation, blocking DHT, and renewing the strength of your hair follicles on the whole.

No matter how you look at, there is no other hair loss product that utilizes this effective system for preventing and reversing hair loss. The only regret that you are going to have after giving Profollica a try is that you didn't find out about this proven solution earlier.

Just imagine all the hair and embarrassment you could have saved.

For more information Click Here

Review of Rosacea Relief Serum

Rosacea is just plain nasty. If you're prone to rosacea, you know how it goes. A break out, redness and that pain that feels like prickling heat. Ugh.

Those who get rosacea have heard the drill. They know the triggers - stress, wind, even sun light - and go out of their way to avoid them. Geez, it's enough to make you feel like a vampire.

Rosacea hurts the ego and can really impact quality of life. Estimates suggest that 41% of rosacea patients have missed a social event due to an outbreak, 51% have missed work and 88% say that rosacea affects their personal interactions.

Our advice? Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A little tough love is necessary here, because you no longer have to go through the redness and pain of rosacea. There's good news on your horizon: Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum.

Let's Talk About Rosacea Treatment

If you've got rosacea, as 16 million Americans do, you've probably tried the various treatments that purportedly reduce symptoms and help you go about your life. Let's recap. A rosacea treatment should

  1. Boost skin barrier. This, in turn, reduces hyper-sensitivity, making you less vulnerable to those triggers. Stressed? Windy day? Not to worry, a good rosacea treatment should help with that.
  2. Symptom reduction. Fewer outbreaks are one thing. What about existing redness, or the persistent outbreaks that just don't wanna go away? A rosacea treatment should also reduce redness, with less inflammation of the blood vessels, which, by the way, ages the skin. Among other things, repeated inflammation can cause blood pools and spider veins.

And if you've spent the better part of your life searching for an effective rosacea treatment, you can exhale. There IS relief from the pain and embarrassment of rosacea. Over to you, Rosacea Relief Serum!

Rosacea Relief Serum is the Real Deal

Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum stands out for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the quality of its ingredients.

In Rosacea Relief Serum you'll find an ideal balance of natural ingredients and patented peptides. Of the former, consider beta glucan, ginkgo biloba and green tea extract. You know the old health tip about putting green tea bags over your eyes to reduce puffiness? Turns out green tea extract can also reduce rosacea.

Getting back to those peptides, if you haven't heard of Renovage®, you will very soon. In a recent clinical study, of 25 women age 45 and higher, participants applied a concentration of Renovage®, twice daily, over six months. At the end of the study, redness had decreased in 90% of the study participants, and by at least 30%.

And more good news: Renovage® improved barrier function in 75% of the study's participants. Skin tone? Improved in over 75% of the women.

Those are the kinds of numbers that can treat rosacea. And in the process, bring some semblance of normal back to your life.

What To Choose...

If rosacea is an issue for you, spend money to treat it effectively. That means with Skinception Rosacea Relief Serum which, when you consider the impact rosacea has on your well-being, may very well be the best investment for your health that you'll ever make.

At $59.95 for a one month supply, Rosacea Relief Serum offers reasonable value for those looking for relief. Go higher and you'll save more; the Gold Package is a four month supply plus a free month's worth of Rosacea Relief Serum. And you save forty dollars.

Of course, if you're an absolute bargain hunter, purchase the Diamond Package - a six month supply of Rosacea Relief Serum AND an additional two month supply, with free overnight shipping in the United States. The cost? Just $289.95, which works out to $37 a month.

For a life free of rosacea, we'd pay ten times that much.

For More Info Click Here