Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Taking Garcinia Cambogia Extract to Lose Weight the Safe Way

Garcinia Cambogia, Malabar Tamarind | Pikrepo

Garcinia cambogia extract, derived from a tropical fruit found in India and Africa, is a natural weight loss supplement which is becoming increasingly popular. This is a relatively new discovery in the industry so enough studies haven't been conducted in order to prove extremely solid conclusions but many people do claim that they have benefited by this extract. 

Garcinia cambogia is a member of the citrus family and inetible because of its extreme sournesss, althoug the rind of the fruit is used while cooking dishes in India. Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is now being extracted from the fruit and processed in the form of a weight-loss supplement.

One of the advantages of hydroxycitric acid is that it doesn't have that "jittery effect" on the brain that chemicals such as coffee do. It also does not suppress appetite like many other supplements. The problem with weight loss aids that affect the brain is that, once you stop taking them, you will start craving food again. Instead, HCA works because it gives your body extra energy, causing the body to communicate to the brain that is is not hungry.  

An important factor to keep in mind is that Garcinia cambogia extract of works best when it is combined with chromium (used to regulate the blood sugar level), especially because most people in the US are not getting enough chromium. Chromium deficiency is one possible cause of obesity and diabetes. 

Who are the best candidates for hydroxycitric acid? HCA works exceptionally well for those who eat when they are upset, anxious, depressed, sad, etc (a characteristic that pertains to many individuals).This is because HCA has the same "filling" effect on such people as food does.

Another great advantage of taking hydroxycitric acid is that you are not required to follow any "special diet" as you take it. You do need to try to eat balanced, healthy meals and snacks. Your weight loss should be slow and steady. Try to eat smaller portions of food but do not skip meals or starve yourself. Replace sweets or fried food snacks with fruit, vegetable, cheese and/or nuts. It's also a good idea to try to get a little bit of exercise in. There is no need to go overboard but consistent activity is another key to healthy weight loss. 

Quite a few studies have been conducted on HCA. In fact, there has been more research on this than any other weight loss product. HCA does not have any side effects and you can easily and quickly buy it online. 

Some words of warning include: if you already have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before taking any chromium. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, consult your doctor before taking HCA. Caution should also be exercised when it comes to obese children. Finally, citrus fruits aggravate arthritis and migraines, so if you suffer from either, avoid taking garcinia cambogia extract.

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